
Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Kill la Kill Episode 1

Kill la Kill Episode 1 (Lord help me)

Hello everyone out there and welcome to another post by yours truly, Dante Carter and today we will be reviewing episode one of Kill la Kill and if you have read my previous posts you will know that this is difficult for me, but I have to do it and I am going to try to keep these posts as short and to the point as possible.
I will be doing a full review of the anime as soon as I’ve gone through it…
So is Kill la Kill “the saviour  of anime”
Let’s go find out…

The Intro

Okay, so I have just got passed the first 4 min which is basically the intro of the show and I haven’t got the slightest clue as to what this “anime” something to do with Hitler fascism and a student council president all I know is like some kid got beat up really badly and stripped naked and he is still alive, like wtf?.
The art style is very interesting though (sarcasm) I would really like to see where they are going with this.

Halfway through

Hahaha So I am half way through the first episode and I have just one word WTF?
We have just been introduced to the main character Ryuko Matoi who I find interesting due to the fact that she is a breath of fresh air when it comes to female main characters in anime and she has just fought some boxer and lost…. And ran away, just the way that whole scene played out was hilarious to me to say the least, but I still can’t get over this art style.
It feels like they hired some lazy people who just don’t give a shit, and they came up with this production with colors and scenes that seem to be rushed. It feels like they took the original manga through it into a blender and recorded that shit and expect us to gobble it up.
But on a positive note, I’m really glad the guy that got beaten to death actually died and this has just become an anime again (see Anime vs Cartoon blog).

Done and dusted

So I have finally finished the first episode of kill la kill and I think I have a greater understanding of what is going on.
Ryuko Matoi gets raped by a uniform, strips naked, strips a guy naked then kills him and of cause fan service what would main stream anime be without it. Now, despite my earlier criticism of this show I do believe it is an anime and I can’t help but get irritated by the feel of the show, it kind of feels like it's trying to be everything at once at least in this first episode.
Altleast we do have an idea of a storyline what little of it they may be.

But anyway see you guys in episode 2 

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