Kill la kill episode 2
Hello one hello all and welcome to Animecrit / Anime360, and today we are tackling episode 2 of kill la kill let’s see how it goes.
The Introduction
Okay, so I have started the anime for those who cannot tell by now this is “A live blog” So what I do is review the show while watching.
So, Ryūko Matoi Has just defeated Takaharu Fukuroda in a boxing match who happens to be her first opponent in this show so far as she goes on a quest to seek out revenge on her father’s killer and basically challenged Satsuki Kiryūin (The Student Council President and main antagonist in this show) who I think is the complete bad ass of this show so far. At least that’s what I have gotten out of the story so far and for all this anime’s flaws the most notable one being the suspect art, I have got to say I really am enjoying the music.
First part of the episode
So Ryūko get molested/raped in the beginning of this episode by some fat guy who happeneds to be her best friends dad, we got scenes of dogs having sex on roofs, teachers stripping students but naked and taking them home, more sexual subliminal messaging and I have come to the realization that this is one of the most perverted anime I have ever watched, even Green Green has got nothing on it hahaha.
So basically nothing significant has happened through the first part of this anime it looks like the Student Council has sent another opponent after Ryūko in order to defeat her, she got beaten at first (cliché) due to the fact that she couldn’t put on her suit and she ends up naked in her teachers house after he saves her I guess, so now she is probably going back to fight this new opponent and she probably is going to win (cliché) After something that she didn’t know is going to be reviled to her( so Cliché) .
Last part and my conclusion.
As Predicted, all that cliché crap happened in the second part of this episode, and as I get into this anime I can’t help but think that it is not a real show but it may be a parody of something.
Something else has come to my attention and that is that this anime is a
Category: Magical girl anime, I have not seen one of these in years and the reason being I hate this category of anime maybe that’s why Kill la Kill sucks so much to me.
Note: This category is for anime and manga series concerning supernatural girls and/or boys who must deal with everyday life while being able to do extraordinary things with their powers.
Well thanks for reading this second part of my blog hope you guys enjoyed it and please don’t forget to follow me on the various social networking sites to keep up with my blog, there are buttons all over this page to make it easier for you and please criticize the blog to your content.
Till tomorrow
Date Carter