I’ve really being aching to publish an article about this animation, because I believe it has got to be one of the most sophisticated and ingeniously put together anime plots of all time.
I love this animation for two reasons.
First reason being that it’s just so original (for an animation of cause), the sceneries are beautiful, the art isn’t over done but yet there is just something about it that would make you feel like you’ve dropped into an alternate world where Michael Jackson is still alive only this time hes the mad scientist from "back to the future".
second reason is the order in which this anime is done, you can tell that the creators really paid attention to detail on this one and actually did some research before making this masterpiece.
The plot of this anime is breath taking, although it starts of on a slow pace it quickly grabs the attention of the viewers with a great science, interlect and time travel thriller as well as the weirdness of the main character RintarÅ Okabe, who is a leader or founder of what he calls the "Future Gadget Laboratory" which consists of the following
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Mayuri Shiina |
Mayuri Shiina : the female lead (or atleast i think she is) and Okabe's childhood friend, she is niave which in turn makes her cute, loveable and she keeps saying tutturū. Basically she is the lighter hearted theme or symbol of the anime.
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Itaru "Daru" Hashida |
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Kurisu Makise: |
The others: there are many other characters like the crazy lady that's always texting and shit, but i shall not reviel thier identeties at this point for obviouse reasons.
THank you for understanding .
Problems solved
Usually with timetravelle and stories that have scenes that loop continuously is that they become boring, repetitive and really just a huge pain in the ass ( if I'm not mistaken Chaos;Head there previous installment of this anime was just that), but the creators "5pb. and Nitroplus" have done a remarkable job of introducing a new realistic conscept to time travelle and sticking with it in turn solving the brick wall most productions of similar grounds hit when it comes to time paradox and all that jazz.
Personally I loved this anime it was interesting, the romance wasn't overdone (e.g sword art online) in fact this is the most romantic anime i have ever seen no like if you really understood the story you would know what i am talking about, the twists to the story were excellently executed and i would recommend this to anybody seeking a new thrill anime wise :-).
Science fiction, Mystery, Romance, Thriller
great anime with no complaints
rating 10/10
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